Monday, April 6, 2009

I tried to stay away

I really need a day off. I used to blog about 3 times a week. And especially now. With Passover starting Wednesday night, and I'm hosting 12 for dinner (Seder) at my house on Thursday night, I really have a lot of cooking, cleaning and rearranging to do.

So I'm at the grocery store, and there is a TIME magazine cover staring me in the face. On it is a BIG RED BUTTON labeled RESET. The caption reads, "The End of Excess, why this is good for America." And now I'm seeing RED again. I want to scream. You SISSY L*IBERALS! Gloating and giddy. You revel in the chaos and the reorganizing of American society toward the one world order where nobody has a chance to achieve anything that is not ordained by powers higher up.

Well, I'm here to say that there are plenty of countries in the world where that system is already in place. Please go there. And leave America, the Land of the Free, to be the Home of the Brave.

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