Saturday, April 4, 2009

Cap and Tax, Dead for Now?

I read on Power Line Blog that "The Republicans did score some successes, however. The most notable was the amendment offered by Mike Johanns to prohibit use of the reconciliation procedure for "climate change legislation involving a cap and trade system." The point of this amendment is that the administration will not be able to slide cap and trade through the Senate with 50 votes as part of the budget bill. Rather, it will have to follow a normal process, which leaves open the possibility of a filibuster.

Johanns' amendment passed on a 67-31 vote, with a considerable number of Democrats joining the Republicans. They were largely, but not entirely, Midwesterners who were not prepared to see their states' economies devastated by this foolish environmental measure. So for now, at least, it looks as though we have dodged the carbon tax bullet."

Could it be true? Could we be so lucky as to avoid some of the Triumvirate of Terror that Obama is trying to unleash on this country, Socialized Healthcare, Government-run Colleges, and Cap and Tax? Please say it is SO!

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