Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Socialized Medicine on Fast Track

Relax and open wide. Government Health Care is about to be rammed down your throat. By a 227-196 vote, the House affirmed Democrats' plans to move health care legislation under rules that block Republicans in the Senate from being able to slow -- or even stop -- it from proceeding.

Here are some reactions by interested Americans.
"The ship is sinking and there are no life boats. I am losing all hope that we will be able to survive the Obama storm. Our health care system will now be ruined. This is my husband's, a primary care doctor's, worst fear, the rationing of medicine. Who will decide the lucky ones to receive care and those who are left to die, the Washington bureaucrats? There is not enough doctors nor money for us all. This country is no longer what our Founders once began."

"Don't you just love this double talking president? (I wonder who is really running the show- personally I think it is Rahm.) Where is the bipartisanship? The system was set up so there could be healthy debate and OUR VOICES COULD BE HEARD!!!! Where is the debate? We might as well grease up and bend over- we are F'ed. I would think that many of our current issues DEMAND debate. Obama's new logo should be "I will compromise- and you do it MY way"."

"Nationalized and rationed healthcare is coming with this crazy sneaked in bill. If you worked for 30 years look forward to rationed to denied coverage so the younger welfare and non workers get free coverage. Wonder if this was the "change" the swing voters wanted. Could be too late - Soon to be third world state like Chavez and Castro, sad day for America and democracy. I'm voting the bums out but reality we have reached tipping point with 50% not paying taxes we are doomed to a welfare/Socialist oppressive Government. If you have kids like I do you should be enraged. But we will be labeled terrorists for opposing facist/socialists trends. Wait, that already happened!"

"I have written to my congressman to beg him not to support fast tracking. I encourage everyone reading this to do the same. You can find your congressman by state at the site Just enter in your zip code in the upper left and it will take you to your rep's web site."

"How's the 'ram it down their throat' thing workin for you? I hate our government -I hate our president. ------------------------ I agree...I personally remember every administration since Carter, and I've never feared any politician as much as Barack Obama. I've also never felt as little respect and regard for any politician as I do for Obama. It's like handing the henhouse to the fox. He's going to destroy America from the inside out, and he's going to do it so quickly and so well that the next election won't even matter. I really fear for this nation. Barack Obama is the greatest threat to the dream of our Founding Fathers since...well, I can't even imagine."

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