Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Boycott GE

I have been bothered by the GE-MSNBC connection for months now. I ran across this post and I think it is time to speak out against this corrupt company.
"GE is the Marxist choice for corporation of the year. They received 160 BILLION in bailout funds but have no conditions imposed upon them by the Obama Administration. With the Banks, GM, Chrysler they all had to agree to let Obama run the companies, Obama installed CEO's limited pay and recently with Chrysler cut the advertising budget in half because Obama thinks he knows how much they should spend. Bonus's are eliminated or taxed to death but none of this happened with GE.
GE along with Intel and GE subsidiary PMSNBC are all working on forced Government control of health records and the propaganda that will go along with it by that I mean PMSNBC must create 5000 propaganda messages a year extolling the greatness of Obama, the Democrats, Marxist Health Care, and this records nightmare. Members of the Obama Administration will be on the board of this records thing and vice-versa.
This should be looked into by an attorney or someone smarter than I am as I believe this is actually Illegal, criminally illegal not just Unconstitutional with the Monopoly and Anti-Trust laws. This is creating a Mega Corporation that is completely protected and underwritten by the Government answerable to no one except the Obama Administration."
Bungalow Bill's Conservative Widsom says, "We see Obama practice two different standards to bailout companies. I bet he hasn’t even considered cutting GE’s advertising budget, and they have taken far more than Chrysler. GE has received 20 times more in bailout money than Chrysler; yet GE continues to expand. (GE received $140 billion in bailouts compared to $7 billion to Chrysler.) If Chrysler owned a giant media company which included NBC News and MSNBC like GE does, I wonder how much different Chrysler would be treated? You betcha’ they would be treated differently. Clearly this double standard with General Electric shows how Obama favors GE because of its influence on the American people."

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