Monday, May 4, 2009

This Is No Longer Funny

American Thinker wrote a great piece:

"It's no longer funny. This is serious. What was initially a comedy of errors and gaffes is now becoming a serious threat to our security, our economy and our way of life.

Initially, I thought that this guy would float his trial balloons aimed at taking us to the left... test the waters, so-to-speak. He did. We watched. When nobody shot these balloons down, or stood up to the radical changes he proposed, he and Rahm became even more brazen.

Initially, I thought that regardless of his left-leaning motivations, he surely would not endanger the people of America or cause them undue hardships as a result of his desires? How wrong I was! This man...the administration couldn't give a damn about the people or their suffering, as long as it advances their agenda and creates a future throng of democratic voters who are addicted to the state. It's time for us to recognize that this President, his cabinet, his staff, his Supreme Court appointees all have a common interest and that interest has nothing whatsoever to do with the people of this country.

Until we wake up and see this charade, this façade called the administration of change, we will continue to dig a hole so deep that no manner of "change" will allow us to escape from the policy mandates this President will force upon us. Wake up America, or one day we will wake up and see an America that we no longer recognize or want to be a part of. Those of us who recognize what is going on will continue to speak out to make people aware and we will continue to be singled out by the administration; vilified if necessary, as they continue the process of steamrolling America to accomplish their agenda."

It is worth clicking the link to read the full text. I quoted only the end of the article.

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