Tuesday, May 5, 2009

I've been tagged by Jan's Place

Jan's Place tagged me with the topic:

"SIX UNIMPORTANT THINGS THAT MAKE ME HAPPY" in no particular order of unimportance...

1. Personal emails. Not group ones. A letter written from one friend to another.

2. Cool afternoon breezes off the ocean. 80% of the time where I live we get fresh ocean breezes around 4pm. You can open up the windows and the house is filled with clean air in no time.

3. Coffee mugs. Did I mention I collect these? I like to savor the memories of travel and loved ones as I enjoy a cup of tea or decaf coffee.

4. Godiva Chocolates. You can argue about different brands and countries of origin. Argue all you want. Just leave the Godivas for me!

5. Mother's Day craft projects my kids bring home from school. I can't wait to see them!

6. Chatting with my neighbors. Our neighborhood has grown closer since the CA wildfire. We used to be a typical CA neighborhood. Don't get to know your neighbors. They may be an axe murderer, or possibly annoying. Best not to go there. Who knew we had a neighborhood full of heroes and great hearts. I love to stand out there talking with them while the construction crews scurry around.

Edited to tag everyone who commented on my prior post. Participate or not, as the mood moves you. ;-)
Moms on the Go
T.J. Sharky

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