Saturday, May 23, 2009

Lovin' These Bloggers

Cool Conservatives:

I have noticed more and more wonderful conservative blogs popping up on the web lately, or maybe they were there and just now I noticed. Some new, some old. Enjoy them! Here are links and profile notes from them.

Clifton B: I am a black conservative from a black conservative family. I was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York and finally settled in New Jersey. Throughout my life I knew I did not share many of the common beliefs of other American blacks. For starters, I never took to the term African-American. I have meet too many real Africans who are now Americans, to ever with a straight face say we share something in common other than skin tones. Their history and culture is truly a unique and is a completely different experience from my own. My culture is distinctly American, from the way I speak, think, dress and act and you know what else? I love it! So for me, I will always be an American who just happens to be black. I put myself and my beliefs out here in cyberspace, to show my fellow blacks that there is something more. That one need not accept the false promise of the next social program, the belief in government as savior or the next Democratic candidate will right all wrongs. That true Hope and Change comes from belief in yourself, in a nation that allows dynamic movement if you are bold enough, smart enough and brave enough to make it happen.

Left Coast Rebel: "I am a 33 year old native San Diegan, business owner,investor and concerned citizen. I believe in the sanctity of the individual and am incensed by our country's march to socialism. This socialism is the child of both Republicans and Democrats, accelerating under the current regime. I support Ron Paul. I support the concept of an individual retaining the vast majority of his earnings. I believe in freedom in every area of an individual's life, as the Founders did. This is the essence of the pursuit of happiness, of capitalism. I am here to support this, and those that support this as well."

Conservative Scalawag: No profile notes, but I find that he posts mostly about second amendment (gun rights) issues. In fact, I am inspired by him to re-post a picture from LL's blog:

Jessica Wilkerson is a new blogger, and has boundless energy. She is one to watch. "I am a Conservative Mama, who loves her family & country, and who's willing to take a stand to protect both. By getting involved in the Community in small ways, I'm trying to make a difference in this crazy world of ours."

There are a TON more, as you know. I'll make more posts about them (you).

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