Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Medical Personnel Leaving the U S

The first wave of emigration has started. Those medical professionals who are spooked by Obama's Healthcare proposals have just received their passports in the mail. And they are leaving. I can't name names. But they are going somewhere in the Southern Hemisphere and they don't plan to come back.
But this is so premature, you say. Are they nuts? Perhaps. But I can tell you that there is chaos and fear rampant in American hospitals today. Everybody is angry and scared. Many doctors are at their wits end. They have seen their reimbursements drop 40% in the past decade, with no let-up in astronomical malpractice insurance premiums. Some can take the uncertainty and persevere, hoping for the best. Some people just can't take it. And medical personnel are not generally the "stand and fight" kind of people. They don't even blog.
The official term for this is brain drain. According to Wikipedia, "Brain drain or human capital flight is a large emigration of individuals with technical skills or knowledge, normally due to conflict, lack of opportunity, political instability, or health risks....Brain drains are common amongst developing nations, such as the former colonies of Africa, the island nations of the Caribbean, and particularly in centralized economies such as former East Germany and the Soviet Union, where marketable skills were not financially rewarded."
A British legislator referred to this recently on a television interview. He noted that the U.K. health system was suffering from a lack of doctors. Now they can throw all the money they want into health care, and they do, but it is not much help in improving the system. The doctors are gone.

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