Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Hate Speech=Everything the Left disagrees with, including "Job-Killing" bill

The leftist politically correct police would like conservatives to remain silent no matter what is being said about them.

And now Rep. Chellie Pingree (D-Maine) wants Republicans to remove the "Job-Killing" reference in the Obamacare repeal bill. It is more than a bit of a stretch to believe that somehow Republican leaders caused Loughner to go on a killing spree. Yet this is what Pingree says. That if we watch our idioms and figures of speech, paranoid lunatics like Loughner will never pick up a gun and go on any killing sprees. That all this is our fault, despite the fact that Loughner had been viewed as a threat by fellow students and teachers at school, despite the fact that he was rejected from military service for drug use, and despite the fact that he had a skull-altar in his parents' back yard.

And worse yet, Rep. Pingree is only echoing what Patricia Maisch, the hero lady who grabbed the second magazine before the gunman could reload, said to Shep Smith on Fox News on Sunday. "Is there anything you can leave us with," he asked her.  She quoted Sheriff Dupnik that the "extreme right reporters added to this problem, and if the Republicans will stop naming bills in very hateful things, like the 'job killing'...I think the extreme right have gone too far."

Even Brit Hume is getting fed up with the left equating disagreement with "hate speech".

Earth to P.C. fanatics: Stop blaming the victims. We Americans are the victims here. The guy was a lunatic. He may have been ticked off by some perceived slight by Giffords. Taking away the free speech of an entire nation of people will NOT prevent a 22-year-old mentally ill person from hurting others.

And to anyone who thinks that gun control is the answer, I say that if more bystanders had been armed, the gunman might not have had the freedom to walk calmly from one victim to the other shooting them in their chairs or as they lay on the ground. From what I understand, he walked down the line of people who fell to the ground shooting one after the other until he needed to reload. Outlawing guns only means that the good guys are unarmed. As they were in this Democrat-filled crowd.

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