Friday, January 28, 2011

Update: Egyptians hosed down during prayers, Mohamed El Baradei on house arrest

Nobel Peace laureate Mohamed El Baradei is on house arrest, according to Egyptian security officials. Mubarak is certainly acting like a tyrant here. Since when do people get arrested simply because they disagree with the current government?

K.T. McFarland commented on Fox that the dominoes are starting to fall. They fell already in Tunisia, and there is now trouble in Egypt, Yemen and Iran. What is important is that the dominoes fall in our direction and not in a direction that leads to a breeding ground for islamic jihadists. She says that all of these movements have a second act. In the Iranian revolution the pro-democracy movement was shoved aside quickly by the ayatollahs. Usually whoever prevails in the end is the most ruthless group.

Excellent coverage over at Maggie's Notebook.

Update via a Michelle Malkin tweet. Twitpic from @ollywainright shows Egyptians being hosed down during prayers.

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