Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Would state bankruptcies neuter union power over Democrats?

via slapupsidethehead dot com
The idea is intriguing. Dick Morris states today that the congress should refuse to aid socialist states in financial trouble and that the reorganization that would come with bankruptcy would be healthy for all government. Also, it is important that we not pass along our debt to our children. The buck needs to stop here at the very least. I agree with Morris that the states should not be bailed out, but I also like the idea of the unions losing power. It was so frustrating to me to see the CA teacher's union donate $1,000,000 to the cause of gay marriage during the Prop. 8 election. Why does a teacher's union feel it must try to influence state social legislation? And why did the SEIU become so entrenched as to battle against the American People in pushing Obamacare and campaigning against Scott Brown? How are these legitimate union activities?

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