Monday, January 17, 2011

Redwood, hang in there. We can still save American freedom.

This is my response to a commenter on Z's wonderful blog.
Redwood, since December 23, 1913 the socialists have won many battles against freedom in America. Many seemingly permanent social programs have been put into place.

It is good news that the Tea Party are looking further back than the 1900s for guidance in righting America's course.

It is good news that some of our young people, my own children included, read our blogs, think about issues in a way that is not pre-digested by MSNBC, and begin to question the liberal pundits that 4 years ago got a free pass.

It is good news that many patriots are awake to the dangers that face us and we realize there is no place left for us to hide. We must fight for a free America. We have no choice.

It is good news that majorities in many, many states voted in a conservative manner in 2010 so as to conserve what is left of this great country.

It is good news that our eyes are opening to foreign threats to our nation.

It is good that many Americans see Israel as a place to be cherished and protected.

It is good that women in America have much real freedom. Women can choose to stay single and make good money in most any job in the workforce if we desire. Women can choose to marry and stay home and raise kids if we desire and if we can arrange it. Women can breastfeed or bottle feed, cloth diaper or paper, eat fast food or organic.

I love America. I fear for America. I mourn for America.

I enroll my boys in scouting programs so they can be with families that love and revere America.

My son was reading the scouting creed and said, "reverent? Don't they mean irreverent?" "No, they mean reverent." And I had to explain to him what that word meant. There are still ways to combat the forces of liberal socialism in our families.

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