Sunday, January 2, 2011

White House Plans to Hire Lawyers to Deal With Darrell Issa

Aren't both of the Obamas lawyers?

Rep. Fred Upton says it should be more about accounting and numbers than lawyers. Maybe Obama and his crew have a guilty conscience? And if our politicians turn out to be criminals, can we get our tax money back? Will the White House lawyers be paid for by our tax money? If that is so, shouldn't they get public defenders?

Holder didn't do anything about ACORN corruption, about the New Black Panthers voter intimidation, or about Wikileaks spying. Darrell Issa says that a good part of his oversight will be to pursue Eric Holder's failures.

Another main focus of the new congress will be cutting spending.

I am so happy that Issa plans real oversight starting immediately. God willing, the days of unfettered Washington graft and corruption are coming to an end. Hallelujah!

Also at American Power, Rep Darrell Issa slams Obama administration as "one of the most corrupt ever"-plans aggressive hearings in new congress.

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