Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Video of Egypt protests, many people in the streets

It is being reported that both Twitter and Facebook are blocked in Egypt right now.

On You Tube commenter zoomzoom686 noted "to all human rights organization please report what is happening in suez . they are committing a mass murder . what is happening is unacceptable . people were protesting peacefully until the police forces provoked them and they started shooting at them for no reason . if any one has a video about the update on the ground please post on youtube , & try to comment on it with both arabic & english so the world can see what kind of tyrant mubarak really is . thank you all......."

tekaklas comments: "What's happening in Suez is a situation that is beyond reason or comprehension. What's happening in Suez now consists of a war in the streets with all the meanings of the term. There are tens of protests throughout Suez. 10s of people have been killed. Headquarters of the ruling party in the Arabaeen neighborhood has been burned as well as the police station. We have on the ground an unprecedented show of violence. We have police firing with live ammunition and water canons."

Reports are that all landlines, mobile phone networks and internet has been cut off to Suez.

Also, there are tweets saying that Friday prayers have been canceled in Egypt. Not surprising since there are a number if tweets calling for large protests following Friday prayers. Ooops, no funerals allowed either.

Reuters confirms that a Suez government building has been set on fire, over 500 protesters arrested.

In other news, the American economy may get a boost from tear gas sales used to battle against Egyptian protesters. (anyone see the irony here?)

Also, Vodafone, company behind Egyptian government network, denies involvement in Twitter blackout.

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