Monday, January 31, 2011

Can somebody explain the middle east to me?

Things have gotten confusing for me as of late.

Let's start with Egypt. Fox News calls El Baradei a "moderate leader comfortable on the world stage". Is the Muslim Brotherhood behind the protests? Is Al Baradei in the Muslim Brotherhood? Or is it a reaction of people who can no longer afford food? I saw a video with one guy saying he will die today anyway without food. Is the Muslim Brotherhood Al Quaeda? Is there a possibility that getting rid of Mubarak could NOT cause huge problems for Israel and the U.S.?

They say that Yemen is also at risk. At risk for what. Last I heard, Yemen was one of the hardest of the hard-line muslim countries. So hard line the population is virtually 100% muslim. How much worse can Yemen get?

Lebanon will fall to Iran? Will the Saudis stand for that? I don't see them giving up Lebanon without a fight. But here is where it gets tricky for me. If Iran is the worst, and the Saudis are the second worst, how come 15 of the 19 hijackers on 9/11/01 were Saudis. How again are they better than the Iranians as an ally? Because they let us have air bases? Doesn't this make them a two-faced enemy?

Pamela Geller raised an interesting question. If Egypt goes back on its peace agreement with Israel, does Israel get her lands back?

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