Friday, March 19, 2010



Published on on March 19, 2010

From a top level source in the House comes the news that the Democrats are still short of the 216 votes they need to pass Obamacare. They have decided, however, to go for broke on Sunday and attempt to pass it whether or not they have enough support. They feel that only by forcing a vote can the force members off the fence. They hope that by employing all means at their disposal, they can round up enough votes for passage. But, if they don't have the votes, they will allow the measure to be defeated. One source called it a "suicide run."

The League of American Voters is strengthening its efforts.

GO HERE NOW to donate.

The Chamber of Commerce is now running new ads linking health care to the deficit and America's possible loss of an AAA rating on its bonds.

Keep on phoning and keep on working!!!!!

Help The League Of American Voters Stop Obamacare And Prepare For Upcoming Battles -- Go Here Now

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I believe it. They may try the Deem and Pass scheme if the votes fall short. But even that is not a sure thing. Just because the Republican move to stop Deem and Pass was voted down does not mean that the Democrats will use it. The text of the Republican bill was an eye opener. Especially the last sentence: "Now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the House disapproves of the malfeasant manner in which the Democratic Leadership has thereby discharged the duties of their offices." Now, you and I know this to be true, but what Democrat is going to vote for a bill with this language. I don't understand why Republicans are pulling this cutesy stuff when the stakes are so serious. I mean, yes, it is true, but let's write a straight bill or resolution regarding the Slaughter rule without pointing fingers. There will be time for prosecutions later, if anybody has committed treason, bribery or impeachable offenses.

Bottom line is, keep calling and faxing. Dems want to get us tied up in knots. They want our heads to explode with talk of amnesty. Don't be side-tracked. Call your reps AGAIN. Fax them AGAIN. Donate to Morris's ad campaign, which worked to flip Arcuri's vote.

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