Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Physicians Sue To Stop Obamacare

I have to tell you that I have wondered why physicians didn't speak out more loudly against Obamacare this past year. I still don't understand why the American Medical Association endorsed it. I understand that the AMA represents less than 30% of all physicians. But why would they sell out their members so completely. Almost like the AARP endorsement throwing seniors under the bus. As if someone has been Bought Off.

To actually DO something about Obamacare, I suppose they had to wait until it became law. And now the AAPS, the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, has filed suit in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia (AAPS v. Sebelius et al.).
“If the PPACA (Obamacare) goes unchallenged, then it spells the end of freedom in medicine as we know it,” observed Jane Orient, M.D., the Executive Director of AAPS. “Courts should not allow this massive intrusion into the practice of medicine and the rights of patients.”

“There will be a dire shortage of physicians if the PPACA becomes effective and is not overturned by the courts.”

The PPACA requires most Americans to buy government-approved insurance starting in 2014, or face stiff penalties. Insurance company executives will be enriched by this requirement, but it violates the Fifth Amendment protection against the government forcing one person to pay cash to another. AAPS is the first to assert this important constitutional claim.

The PPACA also violates the Tenth Amendment, the Commerce Clause, and the provisions authorizing taxation. The Taxing and Spending power cannot be invoked, as the premiums go to private insurance companies. The traditional sovereignty of the States over the practice of medicine is destroyed by the PPACA.

I hope the physicians and the 14 states that are suing against Obamacare are successful. There are other ways to reform health care without gutting the best health care system in the world.
Hat Tip AAPS via PRNewswire. Picture via Moonbattery.

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