Friday, March 12, 2010

The Anti-Mommy, Take-Your-Abortionist-To-Lunch Lady

I gotta tell you. BitchPhD is going too far for me. Ironically, I found this pro-abortion blog post though a technorati search for "mommy" blogs. Go figure. Maybe Technorati needs to start a category for anti-mommy blogs.
Today is the National Day of Appreciation for Abortion Providers.
If you know someone who works in an abortion clinic, take them out to dinner, buy them some flowers, or just sit them down and tell them that you appreciate what they do. If there’s a clinic that performs abortions near you, drop in and say a quick thanks. And if you’re online reading this right now, head on over to the National Abortion Federation website, and write a note of appreciation.

Not all readers agreed with BitchPhD, however. Guest commented:
"Destigmatize abortion care." I'm pro choice but I would never delude myself into believing that abortion is a good thing. It's a tragedy, under any circumstances. This kind of childish, hyper-rationalized discourse ("national day of appreciation") gives a bad name to the grownup's ironic pro-life position nerved by the tragic understanding of life and death. Grow up. Learn to live with stigma.

Although some commenters were enthusiastic in their support for abortion, like Michael:
Not only is abortion not a tragedy, but it is an affirmation of the highest moral good, the power to choose, the power to reject slavery.
And who, in any circumstance other than in shackles, is more enslaved than a woman who IS FORCED to remain pregnant against her will, serving as life support system, waste handler, and food digester for a blob?
Let us celebrate abortion providers, the RU-486 people, and anyone else willing to stand bulwark against the forced USE of a woman!

Blob? I take umbrage at that. I was a "blob" once, myself. Heart beating after 18 days, as a matter of fact. Which is usually before a woman even knows she is pregnant. Those who delude themselves into thinking an unborn baby is a "blob" or "tissue" are lying to themselves, or woefully uneducated.
And "forced USE of a woman?" Unless it was rape, the woman knew that intercourse could result in pregnancy. I don't call that forced use. That she is unwilling to take responsibility for her actions is disappointing. That a baby needs to pay for her selfishness with his/her life is unconscionable.

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