Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Please Pray For Our Nation-Hillbuzz

The bloggers at Hillbuzz are not religious guys, but today they went to a local Catholic church and lit every candle in the place, paying $50 for wax and matches. Their plea moved me.
We’re usually resolutely cheerful and as unemotional as possible around here. We’re not guys who cry often, no matter how bad things get, but we’ve never known of a time in history when America itself was in so much peril.

The Left is closer to its goals of destroying this country and rendering it “just another nation amongst 190 out there”. Perhaps the Devil itself, should it exist, is close to its own goal of smashing that city on a hill that’s endured for 233 years to lead the world to freedom and prosperity unparalleled in all history.

If the forces of darkness, socialism, and downright evil are so thoroughly mobilized, we hope the powers of good are aware of what’s going on. We hope armies of angels are in flight inspiring as many people as possible to resist the Democrats, to fight back, and to save this nation.

We needed to embrace emotion tonight.

Later this evening, we’ll get back to the bare-bones, by the books, strategy of organizing our idea to put enormous pressure on the wealthy donors who fund the DNC…to stop this madness immediately and rein Congress in. Because, that’s who we are. That’s how we can help.

But, we just love this country so much. We don’t want it to slide backwards. We don’t want the Left to gleefully destroy what generations before us fought so hard for.

We think of our grandparents staring down Hitler and Hirohito, and countless other villains, and socking them right in the face.

That’s what America should do to the despicable narcissist in the White House and the two reckless, ignorant, socialists in charge of the House and Senate currently.

If it doesn’t offend you to ask this, please pray for America tonight. Ask your friends to pray, too. Tomorrow, light some candles in your churches and ask the little old ladies in there to pray for our nation too.

We’re in trouble, people.

Deep trouble.

Worse than this nation has ever faced, because those who want to do America harm are not in Berlin and Tokyo, but in Washington itself.

They must be stopped.

We must pray that everyone has the strength collectively to form the Resistance needed to do that.

Please pray for our nation.

We truly beg of you.

Please pray we all have the strength to do our part to stop this madness.

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