Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Protest Tomorrow, 3/11 At Your Congressman's Office 12-1

A Sisterhood of Mommy Patriots
Mom Admin | L…
Mom Admin | Lori P. has invited you to the event 'Seeing Red Rally' on As A Mom...!
please remember to join us tommorrow.

Seeing Red RallyTime: March 11, 2010 from 12pm to 1pm
Location: Local Congressman’s Office
Organized By: Minute Mom

Event Description:
Join us on Thursday, March 11, 2010 at Noon local time, as we visit our local Congressmen's Home Offices to let them know that we are "Seeing Red" over this health care reform bill and the un-American tactics being used to forward it.

Red for our Health.
Red for the Debt.
Red for our Anger.

Despite a FULL YEAR of debate, town halls and grass roots protesting, the Obama Administration is set to defy the will of the American people and ram Health Care Reform through Congress using shady deals and parliamentary gimmickry. Finding no traditional means to pass the sweeping legislation, President Obama has called upon the Democrats to walk the political plank, break Senate decorum and use a Machiavellian - by any means necessary - procedure to finalize its approval.

We the people, have now been put on 2 Week's Notice; the Administration has called for a final vote by March 18, 2010. Such utter disregard for the people whom Congress is supposed to represent must be met with and equal and FINAL push back.

It is well past the time for our Representatives to listen to the people. Let’s show them, in a bold move of solidarity all over the country, that we fully understand the legislation, that we reject it, that we are angry and that we are serious!

On Thursday March 4, 2010, Senator Jim DeMint told Glenn Beck listeners that one of the most effective things we could do to protest the push for Health Care Reform, in its current form, is to go to the local congressional offices and let our voices be heard. He further suggested that we invite the media to cover it. AsAMom has taken this advise as a call to arms and a cry to mobilize our mom troops.

Please, for our children's sake, find as many voices as possible to attend the "Seeing Red Rally" at your local Congressmen's offices.

To add solidarity to our voice across Across America,we have created a downloadable/printable flier to leave with your Congressman. This letter states our common position, but allows an area of “personalization”.

Please take a minute to download the file, add your thoughts and carry it with you to the offices on Thursday. We would also encourage you to print, distribute and collect fliers personalized by others and bring them to the office for friends, co-workers or family members who are unable to attend the rally.

Imagine the impact when we deliver hundreds of these to each office across the Nation!!


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Printable Handout there is space here to add other groups logos.

Free T-Shirt Iron-ons - These are given freely please distribute freely

LOCATIONS: Go to and find your Rep then find the address(es) of his local offices. Please check on your state group page for specifics in your state..

Take a camera, video recorder....send the clips to and we will post them.

See more details and RSVP on As A Mom...:
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