Friday, March 5, 2010

Rep Tom McClintock Endorses Steve Poizner for CA Gov

McClintock Calls Poizner the “Only Conservative Candidate”

Rep. Tom McClintock, the conservative standard-bearer in California and champion of Republican principles, today endorsed Steve Poizner for Governor. In making his endorsement, Rep. McClintock called Steve Poizner the “only conservative candidate” in the race and the only real reformer running for governor.

“I trust Steve to restore Republican principles to California government,” said Rep. McClintock. “Steve Poizner is the only conservative candidate in this race and is serious about implementing real reform in Sacramento. I am convinced that Meg Whitman has nothing to offer other than Arnold Schwarzenegger’s third term. That is something California cannot afford.”

“Tom McClintock is one of the most influential and respected leaders in California politics. I am honored to accept his endorsement and proud to have him on my team as we work to stop the tax-and-spend mentality that has overtaken our state,” said Poizner. “Our party does not need to rebrand itself. We need to return to our basic Republican beliefs. There is no greater example of a tried and true Republican who is unwavering in his beliefs than Tom, and I look forward to his counsel throughout this campaign.”

The vast majority of conservative leaders in California have rallied behind Steve Poizner, including Governor George Deukmejian, CA Americans for Prosperity Chairman Peter Foy, former CRA President Mike Spence, former State Senator Richard Mountjoy, Ward Connerly, Orange County GOP Chairman Emeritus Tom Fuentes, Orange County Supervisor Pat Bates, President of the National Tax Limitation Committee Lew Uhler, and eight former Chairs of the California Republican Party.


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