Friday, March 12, 2010

Obama Laser-Focused on Jobs? Um, No.

Obama continues to hammer away at his dream of destroying America's private healthcare system. This, along with the desire to pass Cap and Tax, causes jitters in the market that stifles job growth. Obama knows this. But he apparently doesn't care.
Calming the waters would be the best way for Obama to fulfill his laser focus pledge.
We'd like to see him place a hold on any legislation -- including health care reform -- likely to create a burden on businesses, either through taxes or compliance costs, until unemployment drops to the 6-7 percent range. He also should try to immediately extend the Bush-era tax cuts, some of which have already expired, at least until unemployment falls.
The president should lobby Congress to pass the pending trade pacts with Colombia, South Korea and Panama. This would be an important signal that his administration supports vigorous free trade, which leads to greater exports and more jobs at home.
And he should order all of his departments -- especially the Environmental Protection Agency -- to examine all regulations and policies for their impact on private-sector employment and make them job friendly. It is particularly important to use caution in crafting regulations for financial institutions to guard against further hampering the flow of credit. Many businesses that want to expand and add workers report they can't get loans to do so.
That's what a laser focused jobs agenda would look like.
Obama should focus on reassuring job creators that he will stay out of their pockets.

From The Detroit News:

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