Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Barack Obama's ADD: American Thinker

Selwyn Duke hits this one out of the park. This is the last portion of the article, and quite a cutting rant.
So perhaps Obama isn't just our first "black" president but also our first ADD president. At least, that's what the idea that he could carry on a deep, 20-year relationship with Wrong and not know of the man's vile views -- and not share them to some degree -- suggests. Of course, there is another possibility:

Barack Obama is a liar.

Barack Obama is a radical, a demagogue and a clear and present danger to these United States.

Perhaps the Americans who voted for Obama need to consider that he not only is one of Wrong's fellow travelers (the title of Obama's second book, The Audacity of Hope, came from one of Wrong's sermons) but, just as damnably, only threw him under the bus when Wrong became a political liability; that Obama apologizes because he -- and his wife, who said that she never had been proud of America as an adult -- are consumed with the typical left-wing hatred of the U.S.; that he spends trillions we don't have because he's an out-of-touch fool or, worse still, wants to collapse the free-market system; that he instituted an unconstitutional health-care plan because the nationalization of healthcare is a tenet of communism; that he allows the Gulf's ecosystem to be damaged in deference to unions or, worse still, because he wants to provide impetus for his cap-and-tax scheme; and that he wants our nation flooded with unassimilable foreigners because he knows that such people, once naturalized, will vote for him and his fellow leftists to the tune of 90 percent.

In 2008, Barack Obama (I'll clean this figure of speech up a bit) spit down Americans' backs and told them it was rainin', and 53 percent of us believed him. Many of us still do. But it's time to grow up and wise up -- because our time is almost up. That deluge of national destruction running down your back is not some unexplainable natural phenomenon. It is the effluent that naturally flows when you elect Marxists, malcontents and miscreants to office.
When will this nightmare end?

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