Saturday, June 26, 2010

Will We Have The Discipline To Reverse Unconstitutional Legislation After November?

We have a lot of work ahead of us getting this country back to its Constitutional roots.   After we elect Conservative representatives in upcoming elections, many pieces of Obama legislation, such as Obamacare, must be repealed. Obama's unlawful seizure of private property, as with the automobile companies, must be set right. But we must discipline ourselves to look at ALL unconstitutional legislation, not just that put forward by Democrats. I'm thinking of the Patriot Act. Any portions of that act that permit search and seizure without warrant are unconstitutional and should be abolished. Including electronic searches. The founding fathers wrote about papers and effects. They corresponded using paper and nowadays we correspond electronically. That does not mean we give up our rights to be safe from unreasonable search and seizure.

Power, once gained, is seldom voluntarily relinquished. Liberal voters expected Obama to overturn the Patriot Act. They are surprised and disappointed that he has not. Historians are not surprised at all. And as the Obama administration seeks to label Tea Party patriots domestic terrorists as Janet Napolitano did last year in her outrageous DHS memo, we feel the dirt of Obama's boot on our necks.

If we are able to gain a vast electoral victory in November and in 2012, should we then sit on our laurels? Should we breathe easy and go back to watching reality TV? Should we feel OK because it is "our guy" in the White House and he is targeting those "other guys" over there, not us?

I say NO. "The only way to promote the good of the community is to unerringly protect the rights of the individual." M. Badnarik. Ayn Rand also touted the rights of the individual. Seizure of private property, I hope everyone will agree, is unconstitutional. But anti-terrorist legislation, particularly in a post-9/11 world, is a topic that we are not all in agreement on. But to me it is like protecting the right of free speech for communists, or anybody else you don't agree with. I disagree with what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it. I want an easy way to find/investigate/lock up terrorists, but I want to defend and protect the Constitution of the United States of America. We must protect ourselves while protecting our laws. Without our laws, we are naked against tyranny. Be it tyranny of the majority (democracy) or tyranny of a president, we either defend our law or stand defenseless.
Pic via Baizaphotography.

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