Sunday, June 13, 2010

PayPal Targets Atlas Shrugs As A Hate Site

I'm really bothered by what happened to Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugs yesterday. Did you know that Paypal told her to stop using their service on her websites? That they claim she promotes "hate speech"? I beg to differ. She publishes the hate speech of bad guys, radicals and Islamofascists so that people can be educated about what these groups really stand for.

Worse yet, Geller had the temerity to use her Paypal donations to fund a bus ad campaign in New York City that was WAY too successful. "FATWA on your head?" I love that! She gave disenchanted muslims a way to contact people for help if they wanted to leave the religion without being MURDERED. What is hateful about providing shelter to those undergoing religious persecution? And she was asked the question several times about how she was paying for the ads, and answered "Paypal". This smacks of the same kind of censorship I suffered when BlogHer pulled their ad from my site based on a post about Islam.

Thank goodness we still have free speech in America. That Paypal wants to punish Geller for hers makes me think less of them. Geller is still accepting donations via checks in the mail. I think her bus ads are a great idea and worthy of support.

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