Thursday, June 24, 2010

Um, About That Boycott...Los Angeles Spends 2.3 Mil on Arizona Red Light Cameras

Arizona, be warned: 
The city of Los Angeles is boycotting
your state's businesses - when convenient.

City officials talked tough when in early May they approved the boycott over the Grand Canyon State's passage of SB 1070, which gives Arizona law enforcement the authority to check the immigration status of people they stop for other offenses if they suspect they are in the country illegally. "I thought I would only need to carry a passport in a foreign country. I guess Arizona is a foreign country now," Councilman Richard Alarcon said then.

But the council backpedaled Wednesday, when members voted unanimously to make an exception for its contract with the Arizona-based company that operates Los Angeles' red-light cameras, citing the importance of the cameras to public safety. (The Police Department has credited them with reducing traffic fatalities.) "The boycott never intended to impede public safety," Alarcon said Wednesday. "It intended to, if anything, send forth a message to Arizona, but not to the negative impact of the people of Los Angeles."
I love it when a horrible plan falls apart!

Hat Tip DailyBreeze.  Pic from blogcritics.  Emphasis added.

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