Saturday, June 19, 2010

Santa Ana, CA ICE Raids Put Damper on Illegal Participation In Census

Working with local community and faith-based groups, the Census Bureau has hired local outreach officers to market the census to their own communities in the native languages.
That effort appears to have made headway among minority and immigrant communities, but continues to be hampered by federal immigration enforcement.
"As a Spanish bilingual the biggest challenge was the raids," said Beatriz Fernandez, who conducted outreach efforts in Santa Ana. "People would ask, 'Are you giving our information to Homeland Security? Is someone going to come knock on our door if I give you my information?'"
ICE's latest raid in Santa Ana came last Sunday, according to Fernandez, further fueling fears that arrests would continue and heightening suspicion toward the federal government.
This is interesting. I had an idea that a number of illegal aliens fleeing the Arizona law have come to southern California, based on my experience at local parks. They are full to bursting on the weekends. And you need to habla espanol to fit in. The OC Register story went on to say that Democrat administrations feel the need to put up a show of enforcement because they are viewed as being soft on illegal immigration. And there was money allocated to ICE, which now feels the need to "fill beds".

Funny. I don't hear Mexico apologizing for enforcing their immigration laws.

Pic and quote from OC Register.

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