Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Help Make A List Of Obama's Impeachable Offenses

Does everybody know about Fuzzy Slippers? She is one of the finest small blog writers on the internet, as far as I'm concerned. And she inspired me again this morning. I, like her, could not stomach watching Obama's speech last night. She caught it later on video, and I did not. She gave an excellent play-by-play. And one part touches on something that reminds me of a pet peeve of mine.

Impeachable offenses. That's right, I said it. Let's make a nice list, so the new congress elected in November will have an easier time getting started.

Seizure of private industry. Can somebody tell me where in the U.S. Constitution the government is authorized to seize private industry? The auto companies were not only taken lawlessly, but the company stocks were forcibly taken from preferred stockholders and given to Obama's cronies in the unions.  Is this America? How can this stand. Obama and his henchmen should be in jail for theft.

Add to that the takeover of the banks. How is it OK for Obama to force a bailout on healthy banks, then use this as an excuse to dictate business practices? Where in the Constitution is this activity authorized?

Do we even have a Constitution anymore? Or is it just a museum piece? Our forefathers and Oathkeepers fought and died for it. For our freedom.  Freedom from tyrannical government.

And now some Americans talk of taking over British Petroleum. Can anyone explain to me how an American president would go about taking over a British company? How is this even feasible? Or would it involve seizing American assets? How is this legal? Or even wise given the current situation? We need BP to help stop the gusher, clean up the mess and compensate damaged Americans. How would a government takeover help? It would put Americans on the hook for all of that. This can only make sense to a dedicated Marxist.

The Sestak affair may prove to be Obama's undoing. But impeaching Obama based on bribery will be like putting Al Capone in jail for tax evasion. Effective, but misses his more gross violations.

Either way, concrete regulations need to be put in place where any candidate for president needs to submit proof that he is a natural born citizen. Even incumbent candidates. Ha. That will fix Obama's little red wagon....

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