Tuesday, May 22, 2007

13 week belly pic

Here is the most recent picture. I should start growing rapidly now. The second trimester is when I grow the fastest. In the third tri, I'm huge from start to finish.

I stopped pio shots beginning Sunday morning. Meaning I skipped Sunday's shot. No big headache, which is a relief. I had a bad progesterone drop headache last week when I dropped the dose by another half, down to a quarter dose. Baby is still kicking away, so that is reassuring. I didn't feel any kicks all morning and I started to get panicky, but this afternoon the little one is tap-dancing away.

My morning ickies have gone away, too. I think maybe the progesterone supplementation makes that a little worse. I usually don't get much of that at all, and it was a little stronger with this pregnancy. This is the first time I used progesterone throught the first trimester. Now I'm only taking Lovenox and vitamins. Yay! Counting down to the amnio day, which is 29 days from today on June 20th. I'm nervous about that. About the risk to the baby from the procedure. I will feel SO much better with that behind me.

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