Thursday, May 3, 2007

First OB appt today

I ran out of the house super early this morning for my first appointment with the obstetrician. It was exciting. The baby's heartbeat on the doppler was 166. Halfway between boy and girl heartrates, lol, so no information there. The doctor said that I could reduce the progesterone in oil dose back down to a half-cc since my progesterone draw last friday was 60. He says that the placenta is now making progesterone, so even at half the dose it will be above 20. He gave me a lab slip for 2 weeks to get a progesterone check to see that the level doesn't drop too much. He says that 13 weeks is when he has ladies stop the shots altogether. I look forward to that. My buns are quite ouchy! He also did the standard pap smear and ran the normal prenatal panel of bloodwork. I'm not sure exactly what that entails, but I will get copies of my results faxed to me next week. I think there is a beta hcg in there somewhere, so it will be fun to see what that number is now. He is on board with the plan of getting the nuchal and first tri test, then deciding on CVS versus amnio. I hope I get to do the amnio, and that the nuchal is good. That way I don't have to take my Lovenox break until later. Blood pressure was 112 over 75. Urine had no protein or sugar. He supported me on the meds I am taking and agreed that it is best to be cautious about this pregnancy. There is no room for error here. This is probably my last shot at it.

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