Friday, May 25, 2007

blood testing results back

The first trimester screening blood results are back. The likelihood of Downs Syndrome purely based on my age would be 1 in 24. The likelihood based only on the blood test are 1 in 110. While anything over 1 in 220 is a "positive" result, it is actually a good result for my age, and there are a lot of false positives for ladies over 40. The likelihood of trisomy 18 based on age alone is 1 in 87. Based on the blood test, the risk is 1 in 5400. I asked if these numbers take into account my great nuchal measurement of 1.4mm. They do not. She still does not have the doctor's report in my file about that. And then she asked me how far along I am and I'm 13w4d, so she said it's now too late for a CVS. {big eyeroll} I TOLD them if they waited until I was 12+ weeks to do the first tri screen there would not be time to do the CVS. They ASSURED me there would be time. Only nobody bothered to call me from either my OB's office or the fetal testing office regarding my bloodwork results when they came in. Not that it really matters. I'm not going to change my mind about choosing the amnio over the CVS based on these blood results. But it would have been nice to have the option.

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