Saturday, May 12, 2007

Holding my breath

I feel that I have been patient. Waiting for the days to tick by. Waiting for the genetic testing. I'm starting to get nervous about it. DH and I went through the genetic counseling before our last amnio, and I remember flipping the pages to look at the statistics for 43-year-olds, anticipating that we would try for another child. The statistics were 5% genetic problems. That means 5% of the 43-y-o pregnancies who made it as far as 16 weeks had diagnosable genetic problems, such as trisomy 21 or 18. Now that may seem a small percentage at first glance, but when it is a matter of life or death, 5% is huge. For example, if you were to be undergoing an elective surgery and they told you there was something wrong with your heart and you had a 5% chance of not waking up from the anesthesia, would you go ahead with it? I think not. So here I sit, nervously biding my time. Hoping that the nuchal test this Wednesday comes out good, and that I can hold off for the amnio in June. If things are bad, I will rush in for an immediate CVS test. As I sit here typing, my little baby is tapping away at my insides. And my heart is heavy with worry.

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