Sunday, December 26, 2010

Has repeal of obamacare already begun?

Do me a favor. Click on the Maggie's Notebook link in my sidebar to see the story I am referring to. I am out and about today and I don't know how to set up links when posting via email.

But this is one of the most important issues of our day. Does the fact that the house passed a short-term continuing budget resolution instead of a long-term omnibus spending bill spell the end of obamacare? It will be sweet relief to know that our elected reps will get a crack at repairing the damage done by the previous congress sooner rather than later. Heck, I bet if those guys could have passed a ten-year spending bill they would have.

Good riddance to socialist wackos.

And I look forward to getting the FCC put back into their box and off of the internet. Just because it exists, doesn't mean you have to ruin it. But tyrants see things differently.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Un-helmeted 5-year-old girl and young man killed in ski collision

Please wear helmets when you ski. Especially your kids should wear helmets when they ski.

As I always tell potential motorcycle riders, even if you are "good", someone can always slam into the back of you when you are stopped at a red light. Seriously, I have been rear-ended at lights in my car more than once.

So apparently this mother and her 5-year-old little girl were stopped in the middle of a ski run at the bottom of a black diamond run in Wyoming when a 22-year-old young man came snowboarding off of the black diamond run Dreadnought, killing both the little girl and himself. The mother is hospitalized. None of them were wearing helmets.

What price health.

Friday, December 24, 2010

I met the man of my dreams outside 7/11 today

Come on, ladies. Don't you agree he is rocking a great attitude?
 And as motivational coaches say, your attitude is your altitude.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Dem believes that GOP "stranglehold" is due to the uneducated

I click one innocent-looking link to a census story on Huffpo and one of the first comments I read is a doozie. Basically says that the only reason Republicans have a hold on this nation is because the Republican base are rubes. Never properly graduated high school, and thus are easily fooled by the dastardly Karl Rove.

Could it possibly be that the "republican strangle hold" is due to independents realizing that the democrats were socialists in disguise? Infantile pacifists who would destroy our entire nuclear arsenal and declare unilateral peace on Earth? Guess how long that would last....

News flash, libs: Conservatives don't even trust the Republicans. We are trying to take over that party again, just like your Obama/Reid/Pelosi leftists took over the democrat party.

"karl rove is well aware, it s harder to fool a guy with a phd than a guy with a ged. the ged base is the republican strangle hold on the nation."-big tom

Babies think it is never their fault.

And by the way, this west coast rezident thanks the rest of you for voting conservative.  Keep going strong.  Libs are running scared.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Turning Kassam rocket shrapnel into fundraiser for Israeli bombshelters

How does one fight back against rockets that rain from the sky? Maybe a little Alinsky-style ridicule. Maybe publicizing heart-wrenching stories of victims. One Israeli artist, Yaron Bob, has used his metal-working skill to turn rockets into roses. The funds support construction of Israeli bomb shelters in endangered neighborhoods. The gifts range from $25 keychains to larger bouquets costing thousands.

XL Fine Petal Rose
made from Kassam Rockets

Collector's Edition XL Fine Petal Rose
24" XL Fine Petal Rose made from Kassam Rockets

Bonus: 5 FREE key chains to give as a gift to a friend, family member or colleague to share your love and support of Israel. ($125 Value)

Limited Edition: Only 250 being made

Price: $795
Buy This Rose

Rocket Rose
made from Kassam Rockets

Collector's Edition Rocket Rose
24" Actual Kassam Rockets Shell with 4 Long Stemmed Roses

Bonus: 15 FREE key chains to give as a gift to a friend, family member or colleague to share your love and support of Israel. ($375 Value)

Limited Edition: Only 100 being made

Price: $2,495
Buy This Rose

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Oregon sends millionaires screaming, tax revenues plummet.

Maybe the liberals watched too many films of Robin Hood in their youth. For whatever reason, they believe that raising taxes on the "rich" (in CA making 250K puts you in the middle class) will make the state richer so they can give the money to the poor. Reality shows how the "rich" migrate to other states and everybody in the prior state is poorer. When will the libs ever learn!

Oregon raised its income tax on the richest 2% of its residents last year to fix its budget hole, but now the state treasury admits it collected nearly one-third less revenue than the bean counters projected. ...
In 2009 the state legislature raised the tax rate to 10.8% on joint-filer income of between $250,000 and $500,000, and to 11% on income above $500,000. Only New York City's rate is higher. Oregon's liberal voters ratified the tax increase on individuals and another on businesses in January of this year, no doubt feeling good about their "shared sacrifice."
Congratulations. Instead of $180 million collected last year from the new tax, the state received $130 million. ...
One reason revenues are so low is that about one-quarter of the rich tax filers seem to have gone missing. The state expected 38,000 Oregonians to pay the higher tax, but only 28,000 did. Funny how that always happens. These numbers are in line with a Cascade Policy Institute study, based on interstate migration patterns, predicting that the tax surcharge would lead to 80,000 fewer wealthy tax filers in Oregon over the next decade. ...

Breaking: Charlie Brown converts to islam

Islam terrorism for dummies. The perfect holiday gift.

Hat tip Hillbuzz.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Will Saudi King Abdullah move site of Ground Zero Mosque?

Saudi King Abdullah proposes to move the ground zero mosque to a site in Manhattan away from ground zero. St. Vincent hospital went into bankruptcy in April 2010, and another company is proposing to knock it down to build luxury apartments. The Saudi king wants to reopen the hospital and add a mosque and community center.

This sounds fine to me. I hope the ground zero mosque issue goes away. Any other site is fine. And if a hospital is saved in the process, all the better. And King Abdullah knows something about American hospitals. He is in one right now recuperating from back surgery. The idea to build a victory mosque at ground zero was grotesque. To even risk rubbing salt into the wounds of the 9/11 victims was wrong. And to thumb noses at American sensitivities was also wrong.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Pro decorators agree, Woodsterman's boxes are gorgeous!

Odie, thank you again for the adorable Woodsterman box (far right of picture). A crew of professional ladies went through my house recently. A lot of my decorations went by the wayside, but look at what they loved enough to display even more prominently in my bedroom.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Bethlehem tourism up

Bethlehem tourism is up this year due to a decrease in violence. This is good news for the west bank and for Christians. Hotels are sold out and four new ones are under construction. 90,000 visitors are expected during the Christmas season this year, up from 70,000 the year before. I wonder how many are visiting the Bethlehem maternity hospital.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Woman whipped for wearing trousers-Warning: Graphic Video

Apparently flogging women under Sharia law is s common event. Not so common is that it was filmed. The Sudanese government is now not so sure it was done properly. Maybe they object to the filming and bad press. This is a torture video, very disturbing. As officials look on, smiling and laughing.

Tell me again how Islam is the religion of Peace?

"Mohammad poisoned the sources of human felicity at the fountain, by degrading the condition of the female sex...and he declared undistinguishing and exterminating war, as a part of his religion, against all the rest of mankind. The essence of his doctrine was violence and lust: to exalt the brutal over the spiritual part of human nature" - John Quincy Adams

Monday, December 13, 2010

Stalling implementation of Obamacare is essential

The decision by the judge in Virginia that the mandate to force people to buy Obamacare in unconstitutional is great news. Of course we all knew Obamacare was unlawful, but we do need the courts to protect us. What other goods and services could the government force us to buy if this were allowed to stand?

Stalling any and all implementation is essential. We will lose doctors immediately once doctors find they can no longer pay their overhead and keep their offices open.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Friday Follies, Saturday Stupidity, Sunday Salvation

I have had it up to HERE with this presidency. I really have. And the Democrats.

All year they have connived their way through the halls of power doing the exact OPPOSITE of what they promised. They told us there would be transparency in Washington. Was we got were Friday evening info dumps. Of course the big things would happen on Friday. The talk show hosts won't be able to comment until Monday and America is busy with weekend plans.

Also, let's not forget the Saturday-midnight legislative sessions. What on EARTH reason would there be to lock legislators into a room and force them to vote at midnight on a weekend or Christmas Eve, unless it was to force them to do the wrong thing and to escape the constantly ringing telephones calls/faxes from the American people.

Is there hope for us as a nation? Are we still good enough to rate God's blessings? Are we virtuous enough to teach our children about religion and respect and honor? Are we courageous enough to push back against governmental bodies who decide to trample our God-given rights as outlined in the Constitution?

I'm doing my part. I have the boys enrolled in religious school and scouting. We attend regularly and talk about right and wrong. But I hear attendance is down at many Judeo-Christian religious establishments. Our forefathers were no atheists. I read something recently in a book by Rabbi Joseph Telushkin. He said that there are no atheists. That when people turn away from God, they always install something else to worship in His place. Will our society survive or will we crumble as decadent pagan societies have before us.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Night of the Living Democrats

I could have sworn we beat these guys in an election about a month ago. What the HECK! Today Nancy Pelosi gloats about passing the DREAM act? Full-on AMNESTY? Talk about voter nullification. They just nullified 70% of American voters. When you don't count all the "new" voters, that is.
Can someone PLEASE pry the gavel from that woman's HAND????? When will the nightmare end?

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Rest in Peace, Elizabeth Edwards

Oh dear.  I didn't know she was so close to the end when I read stories this week that she decided to halt treatment.  This must be sudden for her family even though they knew she was sick.

I lost a friend a little over a year ago to breast cancer and this brings it all back.  I can only hope that she was at peace at the end and that her family can find some way to deal with this.  She was so young to leave children ages 10 and 12.  How sad.

Naked Scanner Lady Liberty t-shirts selling like hot cakes

Is ogling lady liberty's hot cakes making us a better nation? Apparently even the liberal gays of Chicago's boystown have had enough and are buying these t-shirts to send a message to the TSA.
via parkridefly
Every time Americans are harassed, a terrorist smiles.

Monday, December 6, 2010

74% Docs Intend to Flee Obamacare

The impending draft of American physicians into a communist system of health "care" has the majority of them making other plans. Are you telling me that free men don't want their businesses and professional skills stolen from them?

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Comedy Video: The Jazz Hand

OK, one more comedy video. Hat tip to creativeminorityreport via bg at gatewaypundit. Clicking over to creativeminorityreport will bring you to another Hallelujah chorus performed last weekend at Macys in Philadelphia, if you are interested.

Blast from the past: babies for McCain/Palin

I saw this in the blog photo album and had to repost. Odd how many things change in just a couple of years.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Friday, December 3, 2010

Christmas Mall Food Court Flash Mob, Hallelujah Chorus.

8.5 million people since mid November think this video is worth seeing. I agree.

US Rejects Palestinian claim of no Jewish connection to Western Wall

And a Happy Hanukkah to you! It is nice to hear that the Obama administration called them out on this. All holy places need to be protected.
The United States...condemned claims by a senior Palestinian official that the Western Wall of Jerusalem's Temple Mount holds no significance for Jews.
Al-Mutawakil Taha, the Palestinian Authority' deputy minister of information, had said Wednesday that the wall, regarded as Judaism's holiest site, was part of an Islamic waqf, or religious endowment, and that only "Islamic tolerance" allowed Jews to pray there.
Western Wall - Emil Salman - 2009
Jews praying at the Western Wall in Jerusalem's Old City, December 25, 2009
Photo by: Emil Salman

"We strongly condemn these comments and fully reject them as factually incorrect, insensitive and highly provocative," a U.S. State Department spokesman said.His claims drew immediate anger in Israel, which on Tuesday was echoed by the U.S.
"We have repeatedly raised with the Palestinian Authority leadership the need to consistently combat all forms of de-legitimization of Israel including denying historic Jewish connections to the land."
via Haaretz.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Spare me the clutter.

In my quest to rid my home of clutter this past year, I have been culling out junk that has not been used or touched in years. The Christmas/Chanukkah season tends to pull us in the other direction, and there is some laughable stuff that just arrived in the circular from Bed, Bath & Beyond.

Can't manage to find your cupcake pan? Why not buy a 30-dollar machine that takes up 4 times as much room and give it to your child:

Like popcorn? Why not buy a machine that takes up many square feet of storage space in your home. For a mere 99 dollars, you can make family movie night an unforgettable experience, and storage an unforgettable nightmare:

Feel a desire for cotton candy? For 40 dollars you can purchase your very own cotton candy maker that "turns any hard candy into cotton candy, including sugar free". Now all you have to do is decide if it will take up space in your kitchen cabinet, your unfortunate child's closet, the garage, basement or attic.

And this was all on the first page. Need I go on? Maybe you want a flashlight on a tripod? Binoculars that are a digital camera?

Or if you really want to splurge, you can buy a 150-dollar Shiatsu Massage back cushion that your children will enjoy for about a month or two before it breaks and ends up in the garbage can. Or you can refuse to use it, saving the delicate machinery for an emergency, store it in the closet, garage, basement or attic, then donate it to a deserving charity in about 5 to 10 years.

Happy Shopping!

Happy Swinger, A California December


Tuesday, November 30, 2010

It's a fine day for a rant: Nigel Farage, Euroskeptic

Speaking of the end is near, Europeans had better watch themselves. How much debt are their (and our) children being born into? Any generation that births their children into debt-servitude should be prosecuted for financial abuse.

The blaze.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Is the end really near?

from here
Christopher at Conservative Perspective posted a thought-provoking video today. It talks about the end of the dollar as the world's reserve currency, global unrest, and juxtaposes it against video of black friday shoppers scrambling into stores for deals. The narrator refers to it as Bread and Circuses, which I don't disagree with. Here is my comment:

I have a couple of relatives who geared up for midnight shopping after the Thanksgiving feast. They saw it as more of a "super bowl" of shopping. And for many ladies, the former gatherers of the hunter-gatherer culture, shopping is as natural as breathing. I don't see it as sinisterly as the maker of the video, although some decorum would be nice.

As for waking up the populace, keep in mind that nearly 50% of our people are on the dole. Many of whom were probably on that video. Welfare recipients have flat screen TVs, cable and cell phones. Why would they not scramble around shopping on black friday. What else is there to do when the football games cease? And do we really want THEM voting? Best to leave it up to the Tea Party activists, like in the 2010 elections. A number of the numb nuts stayed home, and maybe that is for the best. We had the biggest electoral shift since Herbert Hoover's admin. That is nothing to sneeze at. Sure our work is just begun. But it is a good start, and not worth the sinister music after all the work we did getting the word out about the political news of the day, working AGAINST the MSM and winning BIG. Even Soros frowned. It was a great day for America. We need to keep getting the word out, about the Federal Reserve, currency crisis, foreign enemies run amok, etc.

Maybe there is a decline, but I like to think that this is the point where we start rising. Remember. Our new reps will have an opportunity to be heard, to let OUR voices be heard, starting in January. Maybe some fun subpoena action for congressional hearings will shake things up a bit. Maybe we will have the Libs running scared for a change. It has been a long 2 years. It will be a long haul ahead.

Near white-out conditions at Mammoth

I am not sure if this picture shows how heavy the snowfall and wind were, but it was quite a day for skiing! Yes, those masked people are 2 of my kids.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Cyrano De Bergerac: The Original Warrior Poet

This is a lovely old movie. Jose Ferrer at his best. Forever in love with the beautiful Roxanne. Have a great weekend, everyone.

A California Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving from California. We don't get many signs of fall around here. But I did find this one leaf on my lawn.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Confused about Net Neutrality

Can anyone explain to me what Net Neutrality is? Why are the Dems for it and the Republicans against it? Note that on Nov. 2, all 95 Democrats who signed a pledge supporting net neutrality lost their respective elections throughout the country. Why, if Net Neutrality is such a good thing, does the vote need to be sneaked-in virtually on Christmas Eve (Dec. 21, 2010, does that remind you of another vote last year?).  Didn't the U.S. Court of Appeals in D.C. rule against Net Neutrality last April?

Will Net Neutrality "limit the amount of conservatism that people will be able to find on the internet?"

The Wikipedia description of the law sounds innocuous. Or is it another government step in taking control of the freedoms we hold dear?

CA Illegal Immigration Initiative Signature Drive

A new ballot initiative has been OK'd in California for an immigration law modeled on Arizona's law. Michael Erickson may start gathering signatures in order to get the initiative on the next ballot. He needs 433,971 valid signatures by April 21, 2011.

The proposal makes it a state crime for illegal aliens to seek work while hiding their immigration status, or for employers to “intentionally or negligently” hire an illegal. Also, all highway patrol, police, sheriff’s deputies and other officers will be required to investigate a person’s immigration status if they are “reasonably suspicious” that the person they stopped is in the country illegally. The proposal also allows legal residents to sue officials or agencies if they refuse to carry out immigration enforcement.

The difference with Arizona’s law is that officers would have to contact federal immigration authorities and conduct immigration checks within a “timely manner” and could not hold a person for a long period of time.

Michael Erickson, of Republicans for National Interest is a Tea Party activist in Belmont, CA, and is a former chair of the Sonoma County Republican Party.

The decision to allow a petition drive for this initiative was announced late Tuesday afternoon November 23, 2010 by the California Secretary of State.

Monday, November 22, 2010

His first dental visit

He was remarkably cooperative for a 3-year-old. Can you believe my baby is now three?

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Texas Elementary School Promotes Communist Flags for Kindergartners?

Passing on the latest liberal scheme. Get the kids used to communist symbols and doctrine young, and be sure and omit the American flag.
by Antoniette D Walker on Sunday, November 21, 2010 at 12:06am.
I have receive this from a dear friend of mine, and asked to share and spread the word, I ask you to do the same, this is in attend to control our schools with out the knowledge of parents... if we don't stand up we will lose the most precious thing in this Nation, the future.. OUR CHILDREN... please pass on. Thank you!

God Bless the Republic of USA!


I have a situation and I would appreciate your help, IF you have the time. My son's school did a play last night and it was promoting a one world government. My son has the teacher that was in charge of the play and if I make a big deal about it, she could punish my 8 yr old son and lower his grade due to my actions. : )

My boyfriend, Rusty, posted this and that even worried me some. It was called "World of Champions" and it ended with the kids singing John Lennon's "Imagine" song. 5 countries/continents were featured: USA, China, Mexico, Africa and The Philippines. As you can see in this picture that I took, 4 flags are featured behind the stage. Oddly, the American Flag was missing. I couldn't find it anywhere in the gym. The program was done the night before the kids got out for Thanksgiving. You would expect it to be a "Thanksgiving" play, but that was never mentioned.

The first thing we noticed when walking into the gym was the communist hammer and sickle on the star in the Chinese flag. It is hard to see in this photo, but it is there. We looked up the flag and did not find the hammer and sickle on the current Chinese flag. Why that was added and the American flag was missing really bothers me. I think this is a big deal as do some other parents last night. I am hoping maybe you could help me bring light to this, yet not get my innocent little boy involved.

If you could post about this, I would appreciate it. Feel free to copy and paste my comments, just not my name. If you go to Bruce Rusty Lang's page, you can see the comments that he got. He did 2 posts about this and some people are pretty upset. Some have already contacted the school about this.

Here is the info:

Longbranch Elementary School, Midlothian, Ellis County, Texas, USA
Kelly Madden Principal 
Cari Nix Asst. Principal 
Dewey LePori Secretary 
Longbranch Elementary
6631 FM 1387Midlothian, TX 76065
P: 972-775-2830 F: 972-775-2024


Texans? Any thoughts?

Obama's Jaw-Dropping Rudeness to Chinese Reporter

Yeesh! Obama's poor upbringing comes shining through. He treated this guy as badly as if he had been wearing Tea Party gear. Can someone get Obama back on teleprompter?

Here is the long version:

The Korean Times reported that Rui, the Chinese reporter, was arrogant to presume to speak for Koreans. But I watched the video myself, and it looked like nobody else raised their hand to ask a question. If everybody is going to sit there and one Chinese man raises his hand, how hard is it to be polite? And why the shtick about needing an interpreter? Plenty of people all over the world speak English. The polite thing to do is to wait until one is sure an interpreter is needed. Not to look at someone's facial features and assume that they cannot speak English. Rui did not stand up claiming to speak for Koreans. He asked the Korean journalists for permission after Obama was rude to him.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Americans flee unions, taxes. Low Tax states gain seats.

Funny thing happened on the way to the census....

Turns out people have been voting with their feet for years now, and those changes will be incorporated into our legislature. Low tax states such as Texas (four seats), Florida (two seats), Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, South Carolina, Utah and Washington (one seat each) will be gaining. And high tax states such as New York and Ohio are likely to lose two seats each, while Illinois, Iowa, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania are losing one seat apiece. In 8 of 10 loser states, people can be forced to join a union in order to take certain jobs. In 7 of 8 winners, people have the right to choose whether they will contribute to a union or not.

Odd pattern developing here, doncha think?

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Is there a motive for U.S. Government to harass traveling public?

via komonews
It seems odd to me that the rules on pat-downs were changed so drastically this past week. Now the TSA agents are required to shove their hands down inside the underwear of American travelers? Yikes! And the alternative is to submit to irradiation via naked body scan? Yikes!

Could it be that more people are opting out of the body scan due to reasons of modesty or avoiding radiation*? Could it be that the government WANTS people scanned? Could the new pat grope-down rules be an attempt to punish people for refusing the scan? Could the government want to compile biometric data on us? Or is it all due to the latest terrorist threats?

Just askin'.
* Possible health risks: 'They say the risk is minimal, but statistically someone is going to get skin cancer from these X-rays,' Dr Michael Love, who runs an X-ray lab at the department of biophysics and biophysical chemistry at Johns Hopkins University's prestigious school of medicine, told AFP.
'No exposure to X-ray is considered beneficial. We know X-rays are hazardous but we have a situation at the airports where people are so eager to fly that they will risk their lives in this manner,' he said.
A group of scientists at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) raised scanner health concerns in a letter sent to the White House Office of Science and Technology earlier this year.
'While the dose would be safe if it were distributed throughout the volume of the entire body, the dose to the skin may be dangerously high,' they wrote.

And what about those of us who have cancer in the family or skin cancer in the past? Should we not opt out of any radiation that could trigger cancer?

Monday, November 15, 2010

Saving Las Vegas Hookers

Annie Lobert is doing God's work. Some people try to justify prostitution, but when a woman needs to take drugs in order to get through her work day, something is very very wrong. I pray that Annie is wildly successful in helping Las Vegas prostitutes to get respectable work and lives. No amount of money can compensate for the damage done to these women's characters and souls as prostitutes.

When people joke, "what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas" I feel sad. I remember the women whose lives are being destroyed, piece by piece, night by night. There is nothing funny about that.

Meet Annie Lobert -- a former prostitute with a singular mission: saving Las Vegas hookers.
Lobert, and her faith-based mission -- which she calls "Hookers for Jesus" -- are the focus of "Hookers: Saved on the Strip," a three-part series premiering Dec. 8 on Investigation Discovery.
"When I used to get arrested and the vice [cops] called me a 'hooker,' it really offended me," Lobert told The Post. "So one day I was thinking, if I was reaching out to women and starting to go into casinos and saying, 'I can help you change your life,' and calling myself Annie, it would be a weird thing -- 'Annie Lobert's Reach Out.'
"So I figured Hookers for Jesus. I believe in God, for one, and I was a hooker and now I go and fish for people [to save]."
TV cameras follow Lobert as she tries to teach ex-call girls how to turn their lives around.
Individuals who would like to support the Destiny House program can text VEGAS to 85944 on their cell phone to make a $10 donation that will show up on your next phone bill or they can visit to make a donation and find further information.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Gone Fishin'


Bon Voyage, Smitty; Denise Richards Pics

I am shocked to learn through Eye of Polyphemus that Smitty is shipping out to Afghanistan. Whatta MAN! Whatta SOLDIER! THANKS SMITTY! Thanks for keeping America safe. Thank you for your service as a Navy Reservist. Out and about from mid-November until the end of 2011? Oh, my!

I hope I can be of service to you. Do you like pictures of Denise Richards? I think she's gorgeous.
via whyfame

Not just beautiful, but a great momma. She loves those girls. So much so that she tries hard to get along with their daddy, Charlie Sheen. She was even in the same hotel as Sheen when he trashed the hotel room a week ago while entertaining a, er, woman. At least there is somebody who stands by those little girls and provides some stability.
via celebritybabies

Friday, November 12, 2010

All I need to know about Islam: Not Without My Daughter

I actually read the 1987 book. Ages ago, when I was young. I never forgot it. This trailer looks to be an accurate portrayal of how I remember the book. It is one of the most gripping, terrifying stories I know. A mother's struggle to keep her child safe. Primal and timeless.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Obama Places Wreath in South Korea for Veteran's Day

President Obama took a break from praising muslims and apologizing for American "messy democracy" and placed a wreath for veterans to honor Veteran's Day.

Nothing could illustrate the yawning chasm between Obama and the American People greater than the breadth of the Pacific Ocean. I would complain about his lack of care and proper attention to our veterans, you know, those people that made America possible for the rest of us, but maybe overseas is where Obama really belongs. He waxes poetic about his stepfather's fight for Indonesian independence. He scraps the American space program in favor of praising muslims.

I think the message our "messy democracy" sent to him on November 2nd might be sinking in. Hope and change have finally come to America. Just not the kind that Obama had hoped for.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Michelle Obama dons hijab for Indonesian mosque tour

Here is the divine Miss M enjoying her hijab experience while visiting the Istiqlal mosque in Indonesia. She looks completely happy, right? Well, no matter. Obama can beat her later if she displeases him. That's legal under Sharia law....
via freepers
Where is Michelle's stylist? Who thought this overlarge, ill-fitting suit would be OK for this occasion? Especially considering that Michelle would be expected to go barefoot. Look at her holding up her pant legs to walk. This looks like one of my boys after they put on their older brother's pants by mistake.
You know, I'm glad I posted that how-to-wear-your-hijab video a while back.  Michelle looks like she did a creditable job putting this one on.  I am sorry to see that she is not asserting her rights as an American woman, in the era of women's equality, to show her hair just as much as any man.  Michelle, you let us all down when you let them oppress you.  Please ban Sharia law for all our sake.  I know you can do this by executive order.  I hear that you and Valerie Jarrett run the White House while your husband watches ESPN.  Do it for your daughters.

Edited to add:
Now, apparently, one of the Indonesian ministers claims that he was "forced" to shake Michelle Obama's hand in the receiving line when the Obama's arrived, that that he "regrets" shaking her hand.  As a muslim he is supposed to avoid touching women.  No wonder Michelle avoided travel to muslim countries prior to this trip.  This is becoming too much.

Theo Spark's Mum needs get-well cards in UK

Theo Spark is a gracious and generous blogging friend, and if his mother is anything like him, she must be a woman of great character. It looks like $0.98 is still the postage to send a letter or card from the U.S. to the U.K. Let's help to shower her with love from near and far.
Many of our readers will know of my mothers recent health problems. What I would like is for every one of our readers to send a get well card to my mum. 

I know times are hard for many of you but her health has been ruined by the NHS (read Obamacare) and a few cards and a few good wishes would be appreciated.

Her brother has now evicted her from her home and she needs needs some support.

Anyone wishing to send her a card should sent it to.

Mrs Jilly Spark
c/o Amberley Hall
55 Baldock Drive
Kings Lynn
PE30 3DQ

PS I would like to see her get 1 million cards.

Update: I have had several requests to make finantial donations to help my Mum. 

Any donations will be put into a savings account for her. Please donate into this paypal account or enclose with the card.