Friday, July 9, 2010

Could Black Panther Case Bring Down Obama Administration?

Why is is OK to threaten and intimidate voters with nightsticks outside of a polling place? Should it matter what skin color the voters have? Should it matter what skin color the thugs have? Shouldn't justice be blind to race and ethnicity? A crime should be a crime.

But not in Eric Holder's Justice Department. And not on the Civil Rights Division on his watch. If the victims are white, and the perpetrators are of color, no prosecution will be pursued, no matter how much evidence there is.  In Mr. Adams' testimony before the Civil Rights Commission he said:
“I was told by Voting Section management that cases are not going to be brought against Black defendants for the benefit of White victims. That if somebody wanted to bring these cases, it was up to the US Attorney but the Civil Rights Division wasn’t going to be bringing it.”

Oh, but maybe that Black Panther was just holding the nightstick for someone else. He could be innocent, right? Umm. Get a load of what he said on tape a while back:
“I hate white people…all of them…every last iota of a cracker, I hate them…You want freedom? You’re going to have to kill some crackers. You’re going to have to kill some of their babies.

This whole "cracker" quote has Twitter on fire today. The Tweeters are coming up with jokes about Crackers, like Cracker Movie Titles. NonLiberalVTer said, "In these PC times, isn't it more appropriate to say 'Cracker-American'? #ponderingcrackerism" I find it hard to laugh at this, though. As a mother of 6 babies, 2 old enough to vote, I wouldn't want my kids anywhere hear this Shabazz character at any time. Much less on voting day. He needs to be IN JAIL.
Hat Tip PajamasMedia.

It is hard to believe that Holder did not discuss this case with the Obama administration. Hillbuzz asks if this story will be the one to bring down the Obama administration.
The general public was not aware of the importance of Watergate for the longest time either. People we know who actually lived in Washington, DC in the early 1970s said they heard a little about something happening at some hotel, but didn’t pay much attention to it until everything pretty much hit the fan one day. Things built up. Confidence in the White House was shaken. And then, as it was described to us, “it was like a big sinkhole just opened up and swallowed Nixon and everything broke loose”.

We don’t know if the Black Panther case will itself be the sinkhole that takes down this presidency, but something is coming. The Media and this White House have been race-baiting for over two years now. Anyone who does not agree with this “president” is called a RAAACIST. Anyone who criticizes this administration is RAAACIST. This “president” and his administration make absolutely everything, ultimately, about race.

We can’t help thinking this is going to come back to bite them, in a very, very big way.

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