Monday, July 5, 2010

OC Register Reports Tea Party As Anti-Illegal Immigration Rally

Apparently I attended a rally against illegal immigrants on Saturday. Yes, I was there at the Tea Party for several hours, live-blogging. Yes, I listened to ALL of the speakers carefully, and they spoke about many topics, including illegal immigration. And NO, Tea Party people do not want to throw open America's doors to any and all illegals. We want a common sense immigration policy that controls the borders FIRST then allows legal immigrants in at a pace that does not bankrupt our once-great nation.

It wasn't until Donald Douglas at American Power Blog emailed me the OC Register story on the Tea Party that I saw that the reporter had reported that "Hundreds Rally Against Illegal Immigrants", featuring a picture that included me in the lower right-hand corner. Huh.

Can someone explain to me why Erika Ritchie, who was not there for the ENTIRE event, reported on such a narrow topic, and pretended that it was the entirety of what the Tea Party was about? Is this all about getting a sensational story on the OC Register website and racking up comments/hits?  Or is she trying to smear the Tea Party?  Why did she not even mention the Tea Party aspect?  There were signs everywhere and quotes from our nation's founders.  Look at the coverage on American Power Blog. Donald Douglas shows the wide variety of issues that were discussed.

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