Saturday, July 3, 2010

Rep Ken Calvert Speaks in San Juan Capistrano

I had a great day at the San Juan Capistrano Tea Party. The only problem is that I tend to send one picture from my Blackberry up to blogger at a time, and with the cramped writing on the small keyboard, it makes for, er, interesting posts. I have since come home and consolidated most of the speakers, deleting the numerous posts, keeping the ones with comments because I would never want to delete any of your wonderful comments.
I was surprised (and yet not surprised) to bump into Donald Douglas of American Power Blog at the event. I recognized him right away, as we had met at the Michele Bachmann event last year. We took another picture together, which I will be happy to share here after he posts it on his blog and I can swipe it. ;-)

Rep Calvert said, "We only need to look at Greece and the EU to see what happens with unrestrained spending. My father used to say you can't spend yourself out of debt, son."

Many 9/12 marchers were refused entry into democrat offices. But he welcomed all visitors that day.

"I have never seen our capital more divided than it is today. This is the change that Obama brought to Washington."

"Am I from the party of No? I consider myself a member of the party of Hell No!"

And here is something hopeful for everyone involved in the You Cut movement. Rep Calvert said that You Cut is forcing tough votes in Washington. The Obama administration is now looking at federal lands that could be sold off to raise money, as You Cut suggested.

"When Americans are out of work we should be insuring that jobs go to Americans and legal immigrants."

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