Tuesday, July 27, 2010

DISCLOSE ACT Defeated! RINOs United Today-HooRaaah!

Oh my gosh, that was close.  57-41!  Thank you to all Republican Senators who voted against the unfair and unconstitutional DISCLOSE ACT. The Democrats were trying to create unequal "free" speech for unions versus the rest of us. You stood by your oaths.

glennbo on Hot Air commented:

So, wasn’t this legislation developed to take the place of prior legislation that was ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court? You know, the same one the President referred to when rudely calling out members of the Supreme Court who were in attendance at his last state of the union address? And where most of the democrat members of congress stood and applauded in their faces?

I would say that this is a hard SLAP across the Presidents smug mug and a total rebuke of the democrats power grab!

Way to go RINO’s! Bout time!

Exactly. This is what LL was talking about in a prior comment. Just like Obama keeps placing new oil drilling moratoriums after they are ruled illegal by the courts, so he is trying to place restrictions on free speech when they have been struck down by the Supreme Court.

Even Diane Feinstein stood against final passage of this bill (did she read the email I sent her last night about it?).   I reminded her of her oath to the Constitution.

Either way, the RINOs held the line. Every last one of them, including Scott Brown. Whew! That was a close one!

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