Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Do We Live In A State of Emergency?

As I am working my way through Michael Badnarik's book, Good to be King, I came across a part that says that the United States operates under several declared national emergencies, starting on March 9, 1933. And it is these declarations that cause the loophole in the constitution to allow the president to assume powers reserved for congress. Under normal circumstances, a president should not issue executive orders. Presidents do not legislate. Under normal circumstances, congress should declare war, not the president. But ALL wars since WWII have been declared unilaterally by the president, not congress.

We need to urge (DEMAND) that our legislators reverse and end all declared states of national emergency. I am not willing to sell my liberty for perceived (and fake) security. THIS is the reason we are flirting with Tyranny. And it must be stopped. We want to restore the Constitution? End the State of Emergency TODAY!

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