Friday, July 30, 2010

We Could Sure Use Some Separation of Powers Right About Now

I don't know about you, but I sigh wistfully when I read about the Constitution and the Founding Fathers. Boy, we could use a country that actually HAS a separation of powers.

Obama ignores the Constitution regularly. And even lately, there has been no let-up. Shamnesty is a no-go in the legislature this year. Ya think? Americans in a national depression don't want to give away jobs to 11 million foreigners? Americans don't want to ring the dinner bell for 4 times that number who will pour across the border for the next amnesty? We have been burned by this before. Reagan's amnesty was one of his worst mistakes in office, in my opinion. California used to be a conservative state, but no more. All because of Reagan's amnesty. More swing states will fall if another amnesty occurs.

But ever to be one pole-vaulting over obstacles, Obama's administration is discussing other alternatives, like executive powers allowing forms of amnesty. Hmm. Is that like legislating from the oval office? What Would Our Founders Do (WWOFD)?

Similarly, not to be deterred by 2 court rulings against his offshore drilling moratorium, Obama continues to rewrite the law his imperial declaration that no drilling shall proceed. Ever. Until he says so.

Obama scoffs at every one else's power but his own.

I can't WAIT to show him our power in NOvember.

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