Sunday, August 9, 2009

Around the Blogs--spotlight

I love reading. Especially great pieces by my blogging buddies. I want to share with you some of the better stuff I have seen around lately.

Nickie Goomba at It Don't Make Sense wrote a moving story about his grandfather, Nonno. "He would weep to see us now. Contrarians, elitists, feminists, intellectuals, and political operatives have managed to belittle almost all the things he loved about America.
Today, his work ethic, materialism, independence, heterosexuality, diet, tobacco habit, patriotism, gruffness, generosity with DDT, upward mobility, and carbon footprint would each be mocked or outlawed."

Just a Conservative Girl wrote about her own investigation into the cash for clunkers program. She drove to several dealerships and attempted to trade in her 16-year-old car.

And for you gun nuts, here is a trivia question. C-I-Roller Dude wants you to identify that weapon in a picture from Viet Nam in 1968. Go have at it.

Barking Spider, a British blogger, took part in Silly Week, and let me tell you, there are laughs to be had. I recommend going there and reading older and newer posts in Silly Week until you can't lift your hand any more for laughing. I love British humor.

The Conservative Lady asks, "Is Obama losing Jon Stewart? If Obama loses Jon Stewart, he has lost the nation." She points out a number of more and more biting criticism of the out-of-control overstepping of the Obama administration that is starting to appear in The Daily Show. Now, if only we could win back Saturday Night Live.

Jaime Jeffords at Eye of Polyphemus is concerned that Obama told supporters to get in neighbor's faces. "Do not be surprised. Today they are suppressing your dissent with violence. tomorrow, they may decide you do not deserve to live."

Combat Kevin at Blogadelphia has some interesting observations in his Wednesday Digression. Like the picture the stray shopping carts of eastern north america, a guide to field identification.

Chicago Ray found more information on the DDOS attack that interfered with Facebook and Twitter last week. Was it all done to silence ONE MAN? Apparently it had something to do with the conflict between Russia and Georgia. Strange how fragile our electronic infrastructure is.

Please check out the blogs in my blogroll as well. These are all dear people who are doing great work writing both politically and personally.

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