Saturday, August 22, 2009

White House = Lobbyist Organization?

So the White House used a private company, Govdelivery, to distribute the Axelrod emails. And they paid for this spamming with taxpayer funds. The White House insists that Govdelivery was not involved in the "aggregation" only the distribution of the emails. OK. So who did the aggregation, then. Who are they and how were they paid.
Govdelivery sent hundreds of e-mails from senior adviser David Axelrod asking supporters to help rebut criticism of Obama's health care plan circulating on the Internet. It also sent e-mails highlighting Obama's speech to the Muslim world in Cairo and the announcement of Sonia Sotomayor as a Supreme Court nominee.
More here.

I found some comments about this:

Ok all of you Libs out there....notice how this story leaks out on a Saturday so that the coverage is very low...and no one is home on the weekend to even hear about it. At first the White House knew nothing. Then we find out they used TAXPAYER MONEY to promote his communist agenda! All Americans with half of a brain ought to be outraged!!!!!

I want to know where the class-action lawsuits are regarding both the use of taxpayer dollars to support Obama's continuing campaign activities (that have NOTHING to do with governing and should NOT be supported by tax dollars) and the website/email atrocity? Why have no agencies (the ACLU risks terrible damage to it's already fragile credibility if it does not pursue action on both of these issues) or private attorneys with the chops and chutzpah gone after Obama and his propagandists over these egregious misuses of power? Have I somehow transported into some alternate universe where nothing is punishable anymore? Where is the screaming from the same people who were all over George Bush over the illegal wiretaps and elements of the (horribly misnamed) "Patriot" Act? Funny how those folks have disappeared into the ether of hypocrisy. WHERE ARE THE PEOPLE WHO ARE SUPPOSED TO STAND UP FOR AMERICANS? Where are the people who are supposed to work within the legal system to protect Liberty and the rule of law? Oh, that's right...the Justice Department is in charge of that. And Obama is in charge of the Justice Department. I understand now. Un-freakin'-believable.

In response to a troll:
You are a text book liberal. You scream at me (ALL CAPS) but you offer no solutions. I am a crazy neo con nut? Do you know me? Do you realize that the government you support wants to control almost every aspect of your life? Do you know what that is called? Totalitarianism. Do you have a job? If you do, is that what you want? You liberals are pushing us down the road to bankruptcy and absolute government control. Congratulations. Do you know what us neo con nuts want? We want the Constitution, the law of the land, to be observed. We want people who work hard to keep most of what they earn and not be forced by some neo Robin Hood to give it to the lazy and the illegal. We want personal responsibility and we want freedom. You, obviously, would prefer to sing from your little gilded cage.

So Obama, who said he was against hiring lobbyists to work in the White House, turns the ENTIRE White House into a lobbying organization? With MY tax money? It is an OUTRAGE!

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