Friday, August 14, 2009

Ramming Speed?

If the people sit still and mind their manners, this monstrosity of a government takeover of 1/6 of the nation's economy will be rammed down our throats. The legislators are in fact approaching ramming speed. To ask people to sit calmly as they are about to get their teeth knocked out is to go against human nature, and to allow evil to be done to this nation. Yes, I said EVIL. I LIVED in Sweden for a short time. I have SEEN what SOCIALISM does to a people. How none of the children wanted to grow up to be ANYTHING. Government comes in and private initiative goes out. I have thanked my lucky stars every day of my life since then that I am an AMERICAN. [edit: I appreciated being an American as a kid, but traveling put our system into contrast in a way I had not known until then.] Do not now make me ashamed.--I left this comment on Left Coast Rebel in response to a commenter who said that we townhall Americans need to dial it down a notch. Hmph! I think NOT. There is HUGE pressure on our representatives, especially the Democrat ones, to pass government health care. They failed to pass Hilary-care, and they know they are burning bridges, so it is now or never. At least for this generation. Maybe when they raise up another generation on liberal pablum they can convince them to vote away their rights to life and health. The folks here have Wised Up.

Is Socialism a Dirty Word?

No, not if one is a socialist. Then it is simply an applied political philosophy. Share the wealth. Tear down the rich so nobody has to feel envy. Ooops. Tore down all the employers and now nobody has a job. Way to GO! Not.

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