Saturday, August 22, 2009

Obama's Deal with Big PhRMA

Here is a recording from a liberal show Air America, with liberals wondering if perhaps the Tea Party and townhall protesters are correct. Could government be teaming up with industry for a complete fascist takeover of the USA? Obama apparently met with a disgraced former politician, who now makes millions working for the pharmaceutical companies, agreeing to ask for not more than a 2% savings in drugs with the new Obamacare plan. No wonder the drug companies have not thrown in advertising against the plan. They are completely bought off. And Obama has sold out the American People. He promised in his campaign to try to bring down drug costs to the level of Canada or Mexico. Nope. He will ask for none of these concessions. Because all he wants is his plan. And he doesn't care what he has to do to get it.

I disagree that he is "such a charming liar." This man never charmed me. He gave me the creeps from the very start.
H/T warrantonegirl.

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