Monday, August 24, 2009

Unions Poised to Take Over Health Care?

A massive time bomb ticks away, buried in thousands of pages of legislation.

What happens when it explodes?

The forced unionization of hundreds of thousands (maybe millions) of doctors, nurses and other health care workers; billions of new forced-dues dollars rolling into Big Labor's coffers; and the union bosses in nearly complete control of your health care.

You see, as bad as what you've already heard about President Obama's health care plan -- the reality may be even worse.

You see, when I saw the videos of union thugs beating down elderly Americans for protesting "Obamacare", I knew something sinister was afoot.

So I called one of the foremost experts on Senate procedure, rules and process. He worked in the Senate for over 30 years! He was respected by most and feared by his opponents.


Because he actually read the bills! He knew the inside game.

But what he uncovered and reported back shocked even me.

I wish it was as simple as a sentence that reads "all health care workers must join or pay dues to a union."

Then, we could trumpet this power grab in a way even the media can't miss, and take out the offending section.

But the forced-unionism scheme is built deep into the very details of the mechanism for "public option," "employer mandates" and "cooperative health care associations."

Simply put, you and I must act today to stop the entire bill.

I'll try to explain in detail what I've uncovered (I've checked with top legal minds to be sure I was right), but I hope and pray right now you will trust me by agreeing to sign the Citizen Mandate opposing the "Obamacare" forced-unionization scheme and make a most generous contribution to your National Right to Work Committee.

You see, "Obamacare" is already increasingly unpopular with working Americans and retirees as they come to understand what it will mean for their health.

And when the American people find out the real story -- how "Obamacare" will give Big Labor control of health care (over 16% of the entire economy) forcing hundreds of thousands of Americans to pay billions into union treasuries -- I believe there will be an uproar unseen in decades that will kill this dangerous bill completely.

You know President Obama is demanding action immediately with Congress back in session.

And seeing Americans rallying in opposition, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid are eager to get it done before the entire truth is uncovered.

I received this via email this morning. I hope they are wrong. Is this why the unions are fighting, literally fist fighting with American citizens who criticize this bill? They want to take over 16% of the American economy? They want to OWN all of the doctors and other medical professionals? Their thuggish behavior makes more sense in light of this information. Can the American People stop this power grab? We must stop this bill. NO public option. NO "cooperatives". Even the name "cooperative" gives me the creeps. Marxism creeps toward my door.

If you disagree with this, please prove me wrong. That would make my day.

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