Saturday, August 1, 2009

Veterans and Seniors Oppose Obamacare

"Why would the AARP throw seniors under the bus? I don't know but that is why I am canceling my membership."

O'Reilly at Fox News did a piece about AARP in 2004.
So I had "Factor" researchers look at the AARP policy book. And we found a very liberal philosophy. For example, the organization favors strict gun control, entitlements for migrant workers and a progressive tax policy.

It says, "tax revenue sources should distribute the tax burden according to people's ability to pay," -- right out of the Marx handbook. "Taxation should be progressive."

The AARP strongly favors the death tax, even though most polls show seniors are opposed to it.

Now it is true the AARP backed the Bush prescription drug plan, but the organization now opposes any private Social Security investment, and even wants to raise the payroll tax, as well as taxes on gasoline.

In short, the AARP has become a liberal organization. Did you know that? I didn't know that.

Now there's nothing wrong with that. Political point of view, any organization can have one, but it should be stated, especially since that group is making close to $800 million a year, largely from American seniors of all political philosophies.

Now we've invited the leadership of the AARP on “The Factor” many times. They've turned us down, hiding out, counting the money.

And young Americans should be very worried about the AARP. It has 35 million members and it wants to raise your taxes to pay your senior entitlements.

Again, they're entitled to their point of view, but it should not be hidden behind motel discounts and blather about independent thinking.

The left is a powerful ally in the AARP, and now everybody knows it.

Seniors, don't expect the AARP to protect your health care. You're on your own.

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