Sunday, August 16, 2009

Pedophile Mystery Solved

There is one bit of news I neglected to mention with regard to the CA wildfire last year. I found out who the neighborhood pedophile is.

I had been wondering for years who it was. I had gone to the police station to search the Megan's Law information pages and learned that there were a few living in my area, one notably on the street just adjacent to mine. No address information, so I was left to wonder. As I walked around the block on my regular walks, pushing the baby stroller. Wondering. Wondering.

The day after the wildfire, many neighbors came out to talk to one another. We discussed whose houses burned to the ground. Somebody told me that one of the houses that burned down belonged to the neighborhood pedophile. Oh really. That was scary to hear because most of the houses that burned were within a quarter-block of my house. Then they explained that it wasn't that big of a deal because the man had been convicted of doing something with a teenage girl. Which is different than somebody who preys on small children.

I dunno. You have seen pictures of my neighborhood. I live in a nice neighborhood. Sometimes I feel that there is no such thing as a nice neighborhood. :-(

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