Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Demise of flag@whitehouse.gov

It sure is great that the "snitch" line into the White House has been dismantled. I am glad to see that the ACLU weighed in against it. Whew. I had feared they were too far gone in the tank for Obama to pay any attention to his totalitarian escapades.

The Axelrod emails are another topic entirely. I first noticed these when reading the blogs in early June. On June 4, 2009 I saw that a number of my fellow bloggers were rattled to find emails from White House Chief Advisor David Axelrod in their inbox. Red at Caught Him With a Corndog dissected her email thoroughly in a blog post here. This was one about the speech Obama gave in Cairo, Egypt. Red was "spammed" again on July 23, 2009 by David Axelrod here, about health care. Here another blogger complains of receiving the second Axelrod email in a week on August 14, 2009. And here is another. I noticed that some of the bloggers involved had email links displayed on their blogger profile pages. Could in be possible that the White House sought out opposition bloggers to target with an email campaign? Could it be that the program expanded until it encompassed Major Garrett at Fox News? (BIG MISTAKE).

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