Thursday, February 18, 2010

Opus #6's Divorce Lawyer Flies To Haiti and Back 5 Times In One Weekend

Did I tell you I went to divorce court today? Again? Turns out it was a non-event. But I got to talking with my lawyer, Patrick McCall, and he had quite a tale to tell...

Now I knew that he flew small planes. He has pictures up in his office. But I didn't know he flew larger 10-passenger planes. And I didn't know he and his children and friends spent the long weekend in Haiti ferrying supplies and doctors. I asked to see pictures and here are some examples.

This one shows how the passenger compartment was piled high with food and supplies on one of the flights in. Pat says that the loads were about 3 tons, heavier than a car.

Here is Pat McCall (Family Law Attorney in Orange, CA) with his kids, crew and friends. Pat is fourth from the left.

Local kids:

A load of doctors going home to America.

The unloading process:

Unloading is the tricky part. It really depends on WHO is doing the unloading. Apparently there are warlords and gunmen who take control of stuff and hoard. Pat noticed the hoarding and complained about it, and got the food back and into the hands of those who needed it. So I asked him who is supposed to oversee all of this, and he said that there was nobody, so it was up to the pilots to follow up on where the food went. And there was one situation where 20 gunmen took the load and UN troops had to take the stuff back. Yikes!

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