Monday, February 8, 2010

I Will Be On ResistNet Radio Weds Night

I hope you will join me in my "radio" debut. Bill Turner of ResistNet has been kind enough to invite me on the show. I have a ton of things to talk about. Who knows. I may bring printouts of your blog posts and read them on air. Muahahahaha!

Here is the link to last week's show. It is every Wednesday night from 8 to 10pm central time. I will be on the second hour, so that will be at 9pm central time or 7pm pacific standard time.

I am, of course, a little nervous, this being my first time doing a show. But I see this as a normal part of being a blogger. We are willing to stand up and speak, literally. Hey, if Michelle Malkin and Mary Katharine Ham can do all the Fox shows, I can do this, right?

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