Thursday, February 4, 2010

Obama Will Avoid Olympics and Madrid Summit

The question is why. Can his Obamisma be falling flat? Where is the man who promised Americans renewed good relations with the world's leaders. Is Obama so stung by past criticism and rejection that he cannot function as our representative on the world stage? This is what happens when you elect a child to do a grown-up's job. Is this his new foreign policy? Hunker in the Bunker?
In his latest flippant snub against American allies -including some of his own most fervent cheerleaders- Barack Obama has now managed to offend the entire EU by flaking on a planned Madrid summit... one who's whole purpose was to symbolize the close co-operation between the US and Europe! European leaders were informed of this by the Obama administration only after they already saw it on the web, nice.

Hat Tip RRR.
Something just doesn’t add up when the current First Family talks about saving money. They’d save a fortune, at least $10 million a year, by not throwing lavish “night at Versailles” cocktail parties every Wednesday at the White House to amuse themselves. They cost taxpayers a fortune racing off to Copenhagen to embarrass themselves before the International Olympic Committee last fall, when they put on an ostentatious display that failed to place Chicago any higher than FOURTH (out of four bids) for the selection of the 2016 host city.
Do you think THAT is what this is really about?
Because they felt snubbed by the IOC in 2009, they’re not going to attend the Vancouver Olympics in 2010?

Hat Tip Hillbuzz.

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